News & Releases

  • FTG Tobblerone Challenge Videos

    FTG Tobblerone Challenge Videos

    FTG has many contests and competitions and this year I got my courage up and decided to enter one. The “Toblerone Challenge” was created by member Martino Sulmoni and involved taking a Douglas DC10-30 on a virtual flight around the world. As Martino is an avid fan of all things vintage and DC10s and Classic Star…

  • Flying Tigers Group VA Promotional Video

    Flying Tigers Group VA Promotional Video

    This is a short 30 Second video that I made for FTG (Flying Tigers Group) a Flight Simulator hobby club, or Virtual Airline that I was a member of.  I saw several other tribute videos made by members, and while they were good, they lacked a crucial feature: concise delivery of a message.  So I took it…

  • 747 Landing at St. Maarten

    747 Landing at St. Maarten

    This one is just for fun. I was so pleased with myself for making this difficult landing (big plane, short runway) that I decided to preserve it in this video. Set to an energetic soundtrack, this video is composed of various stills as well as footage captured from FS2004 using Fraps; all assembled using Sony…